" i purchased this from a gnome you seem to be missing some, put two and two together. Damn im losing sizty five gp mitral and wont make those strings."
"Hmm," the elf says. "I... if you can point out the gnome to me, I'll let you keep the mithral."
maki will put it in her tool bag and say with hand held out in terms of friendship."I will help you find him im Makiharra by the way friend."
"Madria," the elf replies. "Madria Goldenlox."
"All right so lets find him maki will begin to look for the short gnome theif eyes peeled wide."
After some searching, Maki spots the gnome a couple of halls away, talking to a couple of students, with his sleeve rolled all the way up, showing them an armful of wristwatches.
Maki litterally points him out and asks." well their he is and what might i ask do you intend to do."
"Oh, I'm going to have some words, believe me." She strides over to the gnome and speaks to him. He laughs and shrugs his shoulders. She turns him upside down and shakes him.
Maki will think to herself.("Ok i suppose i should just sit here and wait for things to go south.")
The elf punches the gnome a few times, then returns to Maki. "Okay, I think we've got that sorted out."