Chi-Chi raises an eyebrow, sniffs the bunny, then goes back to chewing on raw bacon.
Litharos goes to get the puppers and walks him to the cart.
The dog is determined to lick Litharos's face and will stop at nothing to achieve that goal.
Chi-Chi stares at the puppy contemplatively.
Litharos lets the pup smell his hand and then picks it up by its scruff and then places it into one of his pockets where it can hang out of it. "Yeah Chi-Chi..I don't think i can let you eat this one..Sorry.."
Chi-Chi makes a dismissive gesture with her shoulders and continues to eat, awaiting the cart ride back to Max's.
"Wolf cubs are over there, if it helps any. Grow big and fluffy."
Once done loading the bunnies, he checks for the antlers himself.
There are a few antlers in the discard bin. There's also a shifty-eyed rat with his brain showing poking around in them. He looks at Lorenzo cautiously, then continues gnawing on bits. "Nothing to see here," a voice in Lorenzo's head says. "Regular rat doing regular rat things."
"Hey man...Wanna be apart of a swarm?..I know a few other..."regular rats" if you're interested..." Litharos says to the...rat..quietly.
"Psst," the rat says to Litharos. "It's me. I'm putting one over on this lizard dude."
Lorenzo has just sort of stared at the mind rat, then to Litharos.
"Why do I want to bring this guy to Dr Bodog too?"