"Host's sake! Just surrender ya damn fool! Revenge ain't worth your life!"
Leo punctuates his statement with a crossbow bolt. Which goes wide, kind of undermining his point.
Unit takes a long step towards the kobold and makes a powerful downward slash with his mindblade, adding a surge of energy to the blade. This lesser creature needed to learn to recognize it's betters.
Last edited by Unit 001 (8/26/2018 10:38 pm)
"How... dare you!" Meepo says, as Unit's blade rips through his chest (and a bit of his snout). He tosses off the net easily and extends his arms. "Lightning bolt!"
A bolt of lightning bursts from his hands, through Unit and Frances and the lil' elemental guy. (26 lightning damage, Dex save DC 14 for half)
The lil' elemental guy evaporates. "Hey! I'm entitled to this break!" he barks in his final breath.
Jaskins gasps, and magic missiles Meepo back, three balls of magic popping off the kobold's head.
Trivia seems to hesitate. She's supposed to be supervising, not participating, but this isn't the adventure that was scheduled. Nonetheless, she holds.
Kiki swings surprisingly competently with her polearm, clonking Meepo on the head.
Sacccha gulps, but mousters up a weak laugh.. than a hardy laugh... than a cackling, whistling hoot, that infects Meepo, worming into his head, if he can fend off a bout of hideous laughter (DC14)
Meepo snickers, then drops in hearty hysterics, rolling on the floor laughing out loud helicopter.
Frances would hold up his arms as the lightning hit him as he shook his head. "Alright pal, let's see you worm your way out of the net again." He said, taking it and tossing it on Meepo again, this time the right eye would glow purple as the net would be tossed again as he went back to playing on the violin.
[24 dex save. 18 on net throw. 5 psychic damage if it hits. And bonus is to continue heat metal is 9 fire damage.]
Meepo howls as the net sizzles on his flesh once more. In the meantime, Drillv, somehow successfully tiptoeing behind him, stabs Meepo in the back.
t'Nee once again leaps into the fray, stabs Meepo with his spear, punches him on the nose, and then leaps back to (relative) safety.
After t'Nee's attack, the kobold seems to be on the ropes. "You... how dare..." He tosses the net off once more, and flees deeper into the dungeon.
(Leo, Unit)
Last edited by DM Swift (8/30/2018 7:10 pm)