Hano is usually not one for punctuality, but today is an important occasion- the day hastily scrawled in on the calendar on her wall, fashioned from the back of an old concert poster. Today's the day of the first Elven Scouts meeting.
She rises from her bed, where a round dent indicating her (sometimes) sleeping place is surrounded by scattered coins, notes, clothing, pieces of fur, and odds&ends. The tabaxi goes to the calendar and tears down the paper with the address she was given back in Rush Week. It's a grove in the Green Campus, which she knows fairly well, having several ranger classes in the area. Remembering back to the clean uniforms the Scouts wore- Will I get one of those? I sure hope so... -she scans the clothes lying around, evaluates a dark green tunic and sweatpants as "presentable enough", and dresses herself.
As is her habit, Hano swings out the window and scales the windowsills down to the ground. She then makes her way to the designated location on the Green Campus.
Last edited by Magentamist (9/11/2018 10:04 pm)
Hano arrives at the site, where several people await. Most are in the fancy clean uniforms, though a few are not. One person is passing out handbooks and some sort of small object.
"This is a portable utility knife. The blade folds out like this. It's only rated for 1d3 damage, but it's designed for cutting more so than combat. It also includes a nail file, a fish scaler, wire stripper, a corkscrew and a bottle opener. For 25 gold, we can give you a portable utility knife +1, but that isn't mandatory."
Hano takes a handbook and standard knife, giving a toothy smile and a "Thank ya!" to the person handing them out. She lightly pokes the end of several of the implements, rubs the nail file experimentally on a claw, then folds the knife back up and tucks it in a pocket.
She opens the handbook and flips through it, stopping every few dozen pages to read something.
Last edited by Magentamist (9/12/2018 10:15 pm)
The handbook is full of information on wilderness survival, how not to eat poisonous plants, how to throw up if you do eat poisonous plants, first aid tips, suggestions for helping old ladies cross various forms of terrain, and semaphore code. It also has some lyrics to some lyrically bland songs, many of which can be sung as rounds.
Skimming a section on how to distinguish between the wild Flanaessian yam and the Projectile-Vomiting-Inducing Flanaessian yam, Hano resolves to read the book more carefully later. She moves into the larger group of people with a straightened back.
"Hello there. My name is Hano-Tsah and I'm enthusiastic to join the Elven Scouts! And do lots of, uh, scouting stuff." She feels more than a little self conscious of how un-Elven she is.
"Oh, me, too," a young half-elf lad beside her says. "I'm looking forward to getting my archery badge, and my herbalism badge, and I think I'm going for my knot-tying badge first. Or my Pass without Trace badge."
"You're an archer? I am as well, in the ranger major! I'm still a level away from starting to learn Pass without Trace, though." Hano responds. "What's your name, man?"
"Hal," he says. "Hal Bulloch. Yeah, I think Pass without Trace might be ambitious for a first badge, but I'm really eager. My Dad was the most decorated Elven Scout in history, and I have a lot to live up to."
"Wo-ow," Hano whistles, impressed. "So have you been on these sorts of groups before? Or is there something else you're into?"
"Well, I was in the Cooshee Scouts when I was younger, but that was more about your parents getting you out of the house an hour and a half each week. It doesn't test you as much as the Elven Scouts proper."