Rae pulls her pistol. "Block this with yer fancy axe, ye bloody strumpet!" She stops her dive out of reach of the pole arm, but well within range of the Host with her pistol. She pulls the trigger, her expression falling as the hammer falls with an unremarkable click.
"Is that card legal?" the Host declares, pointing at Rae. "I need a judge's ruling."
"I can't rule," Nissa says, "I'm playing. And you didn't bring another judge."
Trish sighs. "I have no idea what's going on, but... Daring Saboteur."
And suddenly, another member of Rae's former crew appears in the arena. "What... exactly is going on?"
Rae looks at her gun with a frown. She holsters it, figuring she can clean it or fix it later if something is wrong with it. She points back at the Host, about to say something when Trish summons one of her crewmates.
She looks as the figure materializes. "Mateo?"
"Quetzali? I'd say I was pleased to see you, but I've got nary idea what's going on."
Behind them, goblins begin to appear.
"I did not know what be goin' on," Rae said, "but now that I already be here and can see what be happenin', clearly they," she points to Nissa and Trish, "be Planeswalker and they be summoning us f'r a duel.". Then she points to the Host, "But that scallywags be behind the whole thing somehow."
"Summoning? I'd heard that can happen, but..."
The goblins give a cry and charge forward, scimitars raised.
"What be gettin' their breeches in a bunch?" Rae says. "They seem t'be goin' after Trish?"
Trish looks around, then says, "YOu know what? I'm going to take it." And the goblins fall on her en masse.
"ahh...sink me...," Rae says, she flies (hops) the short distance to Trish and attempts to grab one of the goblins by the scruff of it's neck. "Oi! Belay that! Who be yet cap'n? What D'ye think yet doin' on this raid? I demand parlay!"
"It's okay!" Trish insists. "I'm trying to throw the game so this can be over." The goblin wriggles in Rae's hands, and chatters angrily at her.
"No!" the Host declares. "You. Can't. Do. That! Stef! Bring in the round two competitor!"