"Well, that sounds fine," Da says. "You'll be my little subversive in no time."
Mora rolled her eyes and said in the voice of all aggrieved teenagers, "Da-aa. Besides, I think according to Jen's da, we're all subversive."
"Oh, yes, very rude of me. How is the family, Jennifer?"
Jennifer spoke, not precisely thrilled that her family was the subject of conversation, especially given that she could visualize all of the disapproving gazes that would be coming from her father were he here at the moment, but it would probably be fine as long as she focused more on her other siblings.
"Hello Uncle Horxius, they're doing well. Lillian and her husband Lord Klaxius had their one year anniversary right before I left, so we all took a Styx river cruise through Gehenna, so that was a lot of fun. And Alexander's still bragging about starting his internship in the Dragonspawn pits of Azharul. Sabrina's still doing her 'loft thing and dying her fur black. And Elliot's cult corrupted the hierophant of one of the major religions of their world, so he's confident about being able to start shepherding a new source of souls of the damned into the Hells within the next couple months. Still it's nice to know I have some family close by, with everyone in Baator or wherever else."
"Very good, very good. I'm working on a couple of new accounts myself that should open a new floodgate of soul influx in the next couple of months."
"You've been working on those accounts for weeks."
"And very close to finalizing a deal. I just need Mr. Tartach to sign off on a rider, and we can move forward as planned." He sniffs the air. "I think someone's making cranium rat lasagna."
Mora looks at Jen, "Your sister knows Strahd teaches at SP, right?"
She shook her head at her dad, "They escaped. The beef is just as good."
Jennifer nodded "I mentioned it while I was looking at places, but she prefers the works of some of the other Darklords, apparently Sabrina thinks Professor Strahd is 'Overhyped'" she air-quoted "I think her big fixation is on the lich king Azalin Rex right now, she's been doing everything she can to get her paws on anything related to the spells he developed, but it's a bit slow-going, especially since Dad won't let her travel to the domains of dread, given the difficulty to book anything other than a one-way trip."
"Well, let me check on the..." Mora's mother is interrupted by a knock on the door. "Oh. I wonder who that could be," she says, in a tone that indicates she knows exactly who that could be.
Mora looked toward the door to see who was there. She didn't know there would be guests.
Atlishi answers the door, revealing a young, red-skinned cambion with enormous curved horns, in pressed khaki pants and a sweater vest. He holds a small bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates, which he immediately hands to her. "Thank you for your kind invitation to your home, Mrs. Atlishi."
"Malcolm, do come in. We have another visitor I'm sure you'd like to meet."
"Oh, I'm sure I will, ma'am."