"From what I know, Doctor Bodoggeus Bodog Bodoggeus has hired a bunch of glorified boots from some hench service, and he knows how to make macguffin tier devices from what I saw. Not a bad guy if you approach him right, but not a fan of this world for some reason."
"what be a mcguffin tier device?" Rae asks, her face twisted into a quizzical expression. " Be they dangerous? Is a mcguffin what he be plannin' to blow up Venus with? An' the 'boots' ye mention, be they th' crocodile men?"
Last edited by TonyTempest (10/19/2018 6:44 pm)
"Both are slang from back home. Macguffin is adventurer slang for important quest item of grave importance, normally highly powerful. The sort of thing you might expect a band of random people to band around to destroy, you know? Other's gator slang for croc men, yeah. Feud, you see."
"oh, aye," Rae nods. "So...if th' blackguard be wantin' to destroy this world, and has mcguffin to do it then...what be he waitin' for? An' why be sendin' the crocodile scallywags here. He be plannin' to blow up the world with his crew in it? Or are they settin' the means to destroy Venus and we be needin' to stop them?"
Last edited by TonyTempest (10/20/2018 2:42 am)
That gets a shrug.
"He just said he doesn't believe in wasting monarchs and didn't give much else, and I figured ball rules were in play considering I was in his home and he was getting lackeys. That is to say, 'if there is someone who is a foe treating you as a friend, and he's surrounded by his people, go with it until things change'. Stuff you find tends to bite others in the tail you wanna avoid, get it?"
"wasting...monarchs?" Rae asks. "Bitin' tails...?" She wonders for a moment then concludes, "Oi. He be wantin' t' capture th' queen before he blows up the world?" Then taps at her chin with a talon. "But why capture the queen, then blow up th' only people likely t' pay th' ransom?". She looks back at Mary. "No offense, Mary...I be just tryin' t' figure out the plot. What be this Bodoggeus' scheme?"
Last edited by TonyTempest (10/20/2018 10:29 am)
Lorenzo shrugs.
"Not a mind reader, Rae, I just know what I said. Asked the same and that was what I got. Bite in the tail-seriously, you haven't got-oh, right, you don't really have one. Come back to bite you in the ass? End badly? Take your pick of phrasing."
"oh, aye," Rae agrees. "Ye only want a select few people t' bite yer arse."
"But that be the plan that ye know of? Capture th' queen, then blow up the world? I be just thinkin' aloud. That be all? So, t' be buyin' time at th' least, we need t' protect the queen from the crocodi--- the 'boots', savvy?"
Mary listens to this exchange, then shakes her head. "Nonsense. The wizard Huzzah has declared himself protector of Venus, and gave this dinosaur the ability to rule us. Not that... she's done much good. Of course, she has to say his name to active her powers, and she's not capable of human speech." She thinks for a moment. "The skill of Heironeous, the love of hills of Ulaa, the mental mastery of Zuoken, the whimsy of Zagyg, the ethics of Allitur, and the might of Hextor. He was going to give the powers to my brother Billy, but he didn't want them, so he gave them to the Queen instead."
Lorenzo nods.
"He really likes spells based on his own name, huh. Seen him put one on a buddy for driving prowess and try on his new puppy. And he lives right next to Bodog, so no we can't bring her there."
He taps the ground with his tail a few times, looking to Rae briefly.
"Maybe we can get her to make sounds that are close enough? Might require some precise squeezing, though, or decent acting. He did say he had a two for one to give a brother and sister some abilities, too."
Last edited by Eshkigal (10/25/2018 3:43 pm)