"Thar she be!" Rae shouts excitedly to Lorenzo when the riverboat appears. She flies nearer the ship so she can be heard when she says, "Ahoy the ship! Permission t'be comin' aboard?"
"Wait where is thar-"
There's a thud from the mist, and a small string of cursing in giant as Lorenzo takes a boat to the face.
"I be thinkin' there be no one aboard," Rae calls to Lorenzo. "No one be answerin' at all. I'll be scoutin' ahead savvy?" She flaps her wings to close on the ship, then alights on the deck. She looks over the old gaming tables on deck as she calls out, "ahoy, the ship! I hope ye not be mindin' me comin' aboard. Have ye seen a vampire about these parts?"
There is a hollow, echoey sound like deep breathing filling the ship in answer to Rae's call. This is followed immediately by Ragtime music and the sounds of people talking and gambling, as if the deck was full of party-going patrons, although it remains dark and empty.
"Arrr, Lorenzo," Rae calls out. "Ye best stop takin' a caulk and get ye up here! There be a band playin' and a party happenin'...but no one seems t'be here."
She runs her hands over abandoned faro tables as she walks deeper into the boat toward the source of the music.
A call comes from the back of the boat.
Eventually, he manages to rise up on the boat wheel, hopping off onto the deck and looking around.
"Huh. Like the music, what about you?"
"Aye," Rae says, "it be pleasin' enough... If a bit disconcertin' considerin' there be no source." The feathered pirate walked in off the deck into the showroom, the large wood floor of which served as a ballroom and a stage was on the far side. Small tables around the ballroom floor had vases with wilted flowers and glasses with drinks still in them. Rae picked one up and sniffed at the contents.
The glass smells of strong alcohol. Rae can hear the conversation of a couple as if they were sitting right at that table, yet somehow the words are audible and clear, yet too muffled to understand at the same time. It sounds almost as if one of them is saying "watermelon cantaloupe, cantaloupe watermelon" over and over, while the other is responding with "rhubarb, rhubarb"
Rae picks up a glass and takes a swig, wondering if anything is actually in the ghost alcohol
The band is playing a tune with a piano and snare drum. Rae bob's her head to the tune, then decides to see if she can get a rise from the spirits.
"Hello ma baby! Hello ma Honey!
Hello ma ragtime guy!
Send me a kiss by wire
Bab no buty ma heart's on fire
If you refuse me honey you'll lose me
Then you'll be left alone...
Oh baby.
Sendphone and tell me i'm your own
This morning through the phone he said his name was Jess..."
Her voice fills the room, and she continues until something happens or the tune ends.
Last edited by TonyTempest (6/23/2019 3:47 pm)
From up above come thuds as, hearing the music, Lorenzo shrugs and begins to dance on the upper floor.