Trivia shakes her head, looking at a small notepad. "None of this was on the agenda at all."
"Shiver me timbers. So this be a nice 'safe' adventure t' be takin' freshmen on," Rae says ,"but somethin' be happenin' t' bring a spring around her cable?"
She looks at the others. "It be heaved down?"
She shrugs. "Everything's fucked up, and not in the good way."
Last edited by TonyTempest (7/14/2018 9:08 pm)
"Somebody clearly didn't like this place bein' a tourist trap," says Leo, picking up the plates, "we better be ready for anythin'."
"We will overcome whatever lies within. But this might serve the Young Knights well, the first trip of the year is very eventful so far."
If no one else does so, when Rae finishes her map, she'll approach the farthest door (if there are multiple doors) and check it for traps. If she doesn't discover any, she will pick the lock if needed. She's done poking at doors, that seems rude to her in hindsight...all the mimics she has met so far seems more than willing to talk. So she greets the door before looking it over.
"Ahoy, Mr. Door. If ye be a mimic, might ye deign to just be openin' f'r us?"
11 perception 28 lock picks. I kind of want the lock to be hella locked for that roll. 12 to persuade the door to open if it is a mimic
Rae finds no traps, and picks the door readily. It doesn't respond to her greeting, but it opens easily enough once unlocked. The next room is a large gallery, with three alcoves to the right of the entrance, and one alcove to the left. In each alcove are broken orbs. Lying in front of the left alcove is a long-dead elf with a green tunic and hat.
Jaskin's eyes go wide. "No! Cousin Link!" He runs to the body and falls to his knees.
Rae puts a hand on Jaskin's shoulder, and says softly, "I be sorry f'r yer loss, Jaskin," with a squeeze she walks away and begins to check out the room.
19 perception
Leo examines the broken orbs, to try and figure out why they might have been smashed or what they were for.
17 Investigation.
Rae's perusal of the room turns up not much beyond the broken orbs and some gear near the elven body, including a fancy sword and a jar with a fairy in it.
Leo's examination of the orbs leads him to think that at least one of them was part of a trap when the citadel was less rundown, although some of the orbs were clearly reconstructions for the theme park.
(I also didn't mention there's another door across the room from where the group came in)